Saturday, March 29, 2008

How Parents Can Help Teenage Driver

You are happy that your son or daughter gets their driving license, and your teen boy or girl is very excited to be able to start driving. But, before they can do so, they need to buy car insurance

The problem is, for teenage driver, the car insurance premium can be very expensive as insurance companies classified them as high risk. So, you need to be very careful and selective in order to buy a car insurance that is affordable and within your budget.

But, as parents, can you help? Yes, you can. In fact, you are able to chip in and help along, and of course, your child needs to play their part also in order to get a cheap car insurance.

The following are suggestions that you can help your teen.

  1. Add your child to your car insurance policy.

    Instead of buying a separate policy for your child, include them as an additional driver into your car insurance policy. Your child will be entitled to all the discount your policy have by doing it this way.

  2. Set a good example to your child.

    Watch your behaviour when you drive. Your child may learn the way you drive, the way you react when you are driving. Don’t tailgate, overspending, or yell at other driver when they overtake or horn at you. Talk to your teen and show them the right behaviour.

  3. Educate your child

    Driving after consuming alcohol is very dangerous. It is very common that teenager likes to go parties and take alcohol, and they will think that there is no problem controlling the vehicle even after drinking. It is your responsibility to put across this message strongly to your child. If you drink, don’t drive.

  4. Spend Some Time to be A Passenger

    Try to find some time to be just a passenger. Let your son or daughter be the driver and you observe how they drive. If they are doing things that are wrong or unsafe during the journey, talk to them nicely and show them the correct way. If they are driving fine, don’t hesitate to praise them. Acknowledge their great effort.

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